Our Mission
Switzerland is majestic, its poverty almost non-existent, its rivers run clean. Switzerland’s government is the picture of stability and they have been at peace for 170 years. So why would they need a missionary? One reason: they need Jesus. Of the 8.6 million people, 8.3 million are not following Jesus. That means that only 3 percent of Switzerland claims Jesus is Lord. This needs to change. Prosperity doesn’t equal personal peace, money doesn’t equate to joy. Jesus’ message was: “The Kingdom of God is near, repent and believe the good news” (Mark 1:15). Jesus message is more pertinent than ever today in Switzerland. The Kingdom of God is what we are offering to people. Not just in eternity, but Jesus’ peace, joy, and new life in Jesus is all available in every circumstance right now. This is the message we proclaim to Switzerland.
How did we get to Switzerland?
It started with a desire, it turned into a calling. Working out with a friend one night I found myself saying, “If I could do anything, I would be in Germany or Switzerland, building God’s Kingdom”. This came out of a year working in Europe after college, experiencing all the lives untouched by God’s extended restoration, knowing He has so much more for them, desiring to see God work in their lives. As I came home that warm summer night I walked into the house, kids asleep, Erin on the couch. I told her my desire to be in Europe, making God’s Kingdom accessible to people. She couldn’t have possibly considered the extent of the moves, selling our home, the language learning, the family-less thanksgivings in a thanksgiving-less land. She said yes, though, to a desire that would become a calling with our 4 year-old girl and 1 year-old boy beside us
Why are we going plant home churches in small towns?
It started with a word, it turned into a vision. We prayed about where to go and we heard, felt, sensed, (however it is that God speaks) “Obersaxon”, as he highlighted a town in the middle of Switzerland. With no further directives to go on, we trekked for 2 years through conversations in coffee shops, services in churches, and good-byes to close friends to a tiny town on top of a mountain. Because the incomplete vision, started with a town, “Obersaxon”. But that vison became, “We will plant a network of home churches in small towns in Switzerland”. Because of “Obersaxon” we realized that 53% of Switzerland lives in a small town and the small town is where the living church of Jesus doesn’t exist yet.
It starts with a Spark, it turns into a movement. God has called us to be a Spark in Switzerland. 8.3 million people in Switzerland don’t claim Jesus as Lord, we will reach them one disciple at a time, one home church at a time, one network of home churches at a time till a whole country burns bright for Jesus. Join us in the mission!
It takes disciples living in community and on a mission, led by trained leaders with a vision from God for their town. This is the way a nation is reached. God has called us to be a spark in Switzerland, which is only the beginning of a movement. We need to train the leaders who will lead their communities to see change in their towns. We start small, grow deep roots, and over time the movement will expand at an exponential rate. The Kingdom of God is near and will flourish in Switzerland. Join the team and lets make it happen!