Igniting Switzerland one disciple at a time.

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God has given us a “GOD SIZED VISION” for the people of Switzerland.

Over the next 4 years we want to plant over 5 new home churches with a relational focus. Where over 300 people will become followers and disciples of Jesus Christ. And train up over 50 missional leaders to plant new churches and to evangelize to the people of Switzerland.

For us to fulfill our calling, we believe God is leading us to focus on these three things:

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God is relational and human-kind started from a relationship between the Father, Son and the Holy Spirit. What makes us think we can do anything of value outside of relationships? Yet, people in the western world are more alone than they ever have been. This felt need for deep relationship draws people into God’s family.  Our mission is to look for the ones God is calling into his family and invite them into ours. Think of it like a big extended family doing life together: Going to the store, eating dinner together, figuring out God’s way of living together.  It starts with a conversation on the street that could end up with eternal significance, all through sharing life together. 

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A definition of Discipleship we enjoy is: “Discipleship is helping people move from unbelief to belief in Jesus in every area of their life”. Jesus challenged people’s belief in him and God all the time, Why? Because when we have a correct belief in who God is our whole life is transformed from the inside out. Discipleship happens when our core beliefs get worked out as we do life together with others who are being discipled. Yes, there are foundational pieces to be learned, but the learned theories and beliefs are actively tested in the laboratory of life. Jesus didn’t do discipleship in a classroom for a reason. 

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Missional Leaders

We aren’t looking for managers, and ultimately, we aren’t looking for more sheep. We are looking for people with a God given vision who will change the world. Jesus left the mission of making disciples of all nations to a handful of people who would ultimately bring down the Roman empire. How? Jesus took average people along with him on a mission, showed them what the Kingdom was all about, then released them on the mission. Actually, another way of saying missional leaders is, “disciple”, because a disciple is one who makes disciples who then make more disciples.  A “missional disciple” is a person on a mission from God to see His Kingdom come and His will be done.